Kitchen Herb Pots What Are Some Good Herbs To Grow In The Kitchen?

What are some good herbs to grow in the kitchen? - kitchen herb pots

I want to grow some vegetables or herbs in small pots in my kitchen, not so much for cooking and smells Nice / decoration. I thought, is of lavender and mint - good? What else could be the growth?

I have no experience with plants, please enter slowly, so you can continue. :-Þ


MTGurl said...

I think lavender, 2 kinds of basil, rosemary, lemon balm and purple sage in the kitchen, but also because it feels so good! Gently crush the lavender balm lemn especially for a wonderful fragrance!

MTGurl said...

I think lavender, 2 kinds of basil, rosemary, lemon balm and purple sage in the kitchen, but also because it feels so good! Gently crush the lavender balm lemn especially for a wonderful fragrance!

MTGurl said...

I think lavender, 2 kinds of basil, rosemary, lemon balm and purple sage in the kitchen, but also because it feels so good! Gently crush the lavender balm lemn especially for a wonderful fragrance!

Chris L said...

Basil, parsley, fresh mint, savory

Lara said...


but it seems you have some growth in the garden when we type slowly so you can understand, are invited! I sthisslow in oughforyou?

lillipad said...

Chives, rosemary, basil ...

willokta said...

Dill, basil, rosemary, almost everything you find on the spice rack in the store, but they are my first choice

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