Can Birth Control Trigger Lupus Can Birth Control Trigger The Symptoms Of Lupus?

Can birth Control trigger the symptoms of lupus? - can birth control trigger lupus

I take the pill and whether symptoms such as fatigue, lupus, weight gain, night sweats, muscle pain, hair loss cause. I am 20 and weight 127 and am 5'8. Lupus and runs in my family. I went to the doctor and gave me results of tests to find out on Thursday but thought that I needed.


mandyj67 said...

Yes, you can honey, I'm sorry to be bearer of bad news. Recent studies have shown that women (in pill or injection, it was found), especially the higher doses that have a higher incidence of lupus, especially if it is in the family * De Lupis not in your family business, I suggest that you seriously you reconsider your method of contraception.

Linda R said...

The role of the contraceptive pill in lupus is not yet entirely clear. A study of more than one year are requested not connect. Other studies suggest a connection. 9 of 10 patients with lupus are women, the hormones and are suspected to play a role. However, men have lupus, too. The changes of lupus activity during pregnancy, a further indication that hormones are involved in the mix. Pills are hormones.

Having a family history of lupus, I would for a non-hormonal method of contraception.

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